irrigation page 2

Choosing the Right Irrigation System

One of the most important decisions you have to make as a professional landscaper involves selecting the right irrigation system for the properties you've been entrusted with.
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Water Quality

Know your water. It's by far the most influential resource in landscape management.
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Five Reasons You Need to Be Talking about Drainage

Drainage, or stormwater management, consists of detaining, retaining, or providing a discharge point for stormwater to be reused or infiltrated into the ground water.
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Choose a WiFi Controller

There are many choices for WiFi controllers on the market today. You need a product that allows you to securely manage your client’s system, whether it’s to adjust programs or troubleshoot remotely.
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The Solar Solution

When doing a new irrigation install, electricity isn’t always readily available
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3 Reasons to Start Installing WiFi Irrigation Controllers

Discover how to meet the demand for smart irrigation controllers. Stay ahead of the trend with Horizon!
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How To Find A Water Leak With The Help Of The Water Meter

Is there a leak somewhere in your irrigation system? Check out the ways you can find and correct water leaks with the help of the water meter on Horizon!
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4 Ways to Improve Spray Head Performance

Check out these simple adjustments in order to maximize spray head use. These tips can immediately lower your customer's water bill. Get the details on Horizon!
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What Happens To Water After It Leaves The Irrigation System?

Water interacts with the soil in a variety of ways once it leaves the irrigation system. Find out what the process can look like right here on Horizon!
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How To Convert A Spray Valve To Subsurface Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is a solid way to minimize evaporation, but installing drip irrigation in some soils can be a challenging task. Get more information on Horizon!
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