water conservation

How To Find A Water Leak With The Help Of The Water Meter

Is there a leak somewhere in your irrigation system? Check out the ways you can find and correct water leaks with the help of the water meter on Horizon!
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Have You Saved Any Water During Smart Irrigation Month?

Did you remember to talk to clients about smart irrigation practices for Smart Irrigation Month? If not, it’s never too late to start now. Read more on Horizon!
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4 Ways to Improve Spray Head Performance

Check out these simple adjustments in order to maximize spray head use. These tips can immediately lower your customer's water bill. Get the details on Horizon!
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What to Say When Your Customer Wants to Remove Their Turf

There is a false perception that turf is bad for the environment. Click hear to find out what to say when your customer wants to remove their turf.
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How Do Mycorrhizal Fungi Benefit Plants?

What are the benefits of mycorrhizal fungi? Click here to find out how mycorrhizal fungi benefits plants & how to get better results with your turf.
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The Role of Microbes in Soil Fertility

In Part 16 of our Drought Solutions video series, we'll cover 6 microbial benefits and how those benefits directly contribute to soil and plant health.
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What Happens To Water After It Leaves The Irrigation System?

Water interacts with the soil in a variety of ways once it leaves the irrigation system. Find out what the process can look like right here on Horizon!
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How To Convert A Spray Valve To Subsurface Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is a solid way to minimize evaporation, but installing drip irrigation in some soils can be a challenging task. Get more information on Horizon!
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3 Spray Nozzles That Quickly Fix Inefficient Irrigation Systems

Check out these three spray nozzles that are guaranteed to make the best use of your irrigation systems. Get the details on the spray nozzles here on Horizon!
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6 Ways An ET Controller Lowers The Cost Of Irrigation Systems

Evapotranspiration based controllers can save money on irrigation in ways that you may have never considered. Get the details on how to cut costs on Horizon!
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